Sunday, November 28, 2010

Raising the Kundalinii by Avadhutika Ananda Mitra Acarya

The science of Kundalini is thousands of years old. It is an essential part of Tantra, the spiritual science which was systematized seven thousand years ago by Lord Sada'shiva. Tantra was never publicly revealed: only worthy disciples were taught it in direct transmission from their spiritual teachers, lest the powerful practices fall into the hands of immoral or power-seeking individuals. Thus for centuries this ancient science was passed only from the guru to disciple, and never written down. But gradually the caliber of masters degenerated and it became necessary to write the secrets down so they would not be completely lost. But when they were written, they were written in a "twilight language," that is, in allegory, symbolism, code, so they could not be misinterpreted and misused by unworthy seekers. For this reason, if we do not have a proper guide, the ancient texts may be confusing or even misleading to us today.
What is Kundalinii?


by Acarya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, the mind is pure consciousness which has been modified by the operative principle (Prakrti) to form three functional parts: mahat ("I am"), aham ("I do") and citta ("I have done"). However, due to the continued activity of the operative principle on the citta portion there is the creation of five different layers or kosas. In order to explain the intellectual and intuitional capabilities of the human being it is important to understand the functioning of these five kosas. In addition, understanding of the five layers of the mind also helps one in the various spiritual practices which are designed to perfect these layers of the mind.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Psychic Prana

In 1895-96 Swami Vivekananda gave Raja Yoga classes in New York (228 W. 39th St.). The "Beginners' Classes" form the first part of Swamiji's book Raja Yoga. The second part of the book is a combination of Swamiji's dictation to Ms. Waldo and J. J. Goodwin's transcripts of Swamiji's "Advanced Classes"--all much edited by Ms. Waldo, Swamiji himself and, later on, by E. T. Sturdy. His talk on "The Psychic Prana" is one of the Beginners' Classes and was given on January 4, 1896. It is included in the book Raja Yoga as also in the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.
Ida and Pingala
According to the Yogis, there are two nerve currents in the spinal column, called Pingala and Ida, and a hollow canal called Sushumna running through the spinal cord. At the lower end of the hollow canal is what the Yogis call the "Lotus of the Kundalini". They describe it as triangular in form in which, in the symbolical language of the Yogis, there is a power called the Kundalini, coiled up. When that Kundalini awakes, it tries to force a passage through this hollow canal, and as it rises step by step, as it were, layer after layer of the mind becomes open and all the different visions and wonderful powers come to the Yogi. When it reaches the brain, the Yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds itself free.

Six Lessons on Raja-Yoga

These lessons are composed of class talks given by Swami Vivekananda to an intimate audience in the house of Mrs. Sara C. Bull, a devoted American disciple. The notes were preserved by her and finally printed in 1913 for private circulation. This text, available in a booklet, can also be found in the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, 8: 36-52.

Raja-Yoga is as much a science as any in the world. It is an analysis of the mind, a gathering of the facts of the supersensuous world and so building up the spiritual world. All the great spiritual teachers the world has known said, "I see and I know." Jesus, Paul, and Peter all claimed actual perception of the spiritual truths they taught.
This perception is obtained by Yoga.

Our Real Nature

This lecture on Jnana Yoga was delivered by Swami Vivekananda in London on June 21, 1896, and is reproduced here from his Complete Works, 2: 70-87.

The Search for Reality and Happiness
Great is the tenacity with which people cling to the senses. Yet, however substantial they may think the external world in which they live and move, there comes a time in the lives of individuals and of races when, involuntarily, they ask, "Is this real?" To those who never find a moment to question the credentials of their senses, whose every moment is occupied with some sort of sense-enjoyment--even to them death comes, and they also are compelled to ask, "Is this real?" Religion begins with this question and ends with its answer. Even in the remote past, where recorded history cannot help us, in the mysterious light of mythology, back in the dim twilight of civilization, we find the same question was asked, "What becomes of this? What is real?"

The Necessity of Religion(3)

Spirituality--The Real Strength Behind Every Race

A man or a woman is a human being so long as he or she is struggling to rise above nature, and this nature is both internal and external. It comprises not only the laws that govern the particles of matter outside us and in our bodies, but also the more subtle nature within, which is in fact the motive power governing the external. It is good and very grand to conquer external nature but grander still to conquer our internal nature. It is grand and good to know the laws that govern the stars and planets; it is infinitely grander and better to know the laws that govern the passions, the feelings, the will, of humanity. This conquering of the inner person, understanding the secrets of the subtle workings that are within the human mind, and knowing its wonderful secrets, belong entirely to religion.

The Necessity of Religion(2)

The Discovery of States Higher Than Waking or Dreaming
But by this time the search had begun and the search was inward. Human beings continued inquiring more deeply into the different stages of the mind and discovered higher states than either the waking or the dreaming. This state of things we find in all the organized religions of the world, called either ecstasy or inspiration. In all organized religions, their founders, prophets, and messengers are declared to have gone into states of mind that were neither waking nor sleeping, in which they came face to face with a new series of facts relating to what is called the spiritual kingdom. They realized things there much more intensely than we realize facts around us in our waking state. Take, for instance, the religions of the Brahmins. The Vedas are said to be written by Rishis. These Rishis were sages who realized certain facts. The exact definition of the Sanskrit word Rishi is a Seer of Mantras--of the thoughts conveyed in the Vedic hymns. These Rishis declared that they had realized--sensed, if that word can be used with regard to the supersensuous--certain facts, and these facts they proceeded to put on record. We find the same truth declared amongst both the Jews and the Christians.

The Necessity of Religion (1)

Swami Vivekananda gave this brilliant lecture in England on June 7, 1896. It was transcribed by J. J. Goodwin and subsequently included in the book Jnana Yoga and also in the Complete Works (2: 57-69). Swamiji discusses here some of the most vital issues connected with religion: the beginning of religion, the role of religious study, and the connection between ethics and "renunciation."

Religion: The Most Potent Force
Of all the forces that have worked and are still working to mould the destinies of the human race, none certainly is more potent than that, the manifestation of which we call religion. All social organizations have as a background, somewhere, the workings of that peculiar force, and the greatest cohesive impulse ever brought into play amongst human units has been derived from this power. It is obvious to all of us that in very many cases the bonds of religion have proved stronger than the bonds of race or of climate or even of descent. It is a well-known fact that persons worshipping the same God, believing in the same religion, have stood by each other with much greater strength and constancy than people of merely the same descent or even brothers.
Beginning of Religion: Two Theories

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jyothi Meditation Based on Bhagavan's step-by-step directions.

Jyothi (flame) Meditation is the foremost spiritual discipline geared towards gaining inner peace.

We should have a fixed time and place every day where we sit for meditation either in the morning and/or evening.

We should sit on a thin mattress for this exercise.  The sitting pose or asana should be comfortable both for our mind and body.

We should then chant Omkar, the Universal Mantra glorified as 'Nada Brahma' at least 3 times but preferably 21 times.  The mind under the influence of this divine sound slowly loses momentum and becomes more and more tranquil and steady.

The next step is to put the breath in rhythm.  The easiest and the most effortless method is to watch the breath, thereby the process becomes normal, that is, longer and calmer.  When we inhale, the breath sounds 'So' and when we exhale, it sounds 'Humm' which means 'He' ie "God" and 'I' respectively or "God am I".

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Dalam tubuh manusia terdapat konsentrasi-konsentrasi energi yang membentuk jaringan hubungan saling ketergantungan yang rumit, konsentrasi-konsentrasi itu disebut dengan cakra. Cakra berarti roda, disebut demikian karena medan energi berputar disekitar bidang horisontal, berputar serarah jarum jam dengan frekuensi tertentu pada masing-masing tempatnya di tubuh. Dalam tubuh fisik, cakra-cakra menunjukkan tempatnya di luar sumsum tulang belakang sebagai anyaman syaraf (plexus) dan mengendalikan masing-masing bagian dari tubuh. Dalam tubuh manusia ada banyak cakra, tetapi diantaranya tujuh yang paling utama adalah

Mooladhara Cakra

Friday, November 19, 2010

Spiritual philosophy of Ananda Marga

Spiritual philosophy

"The Supreme Entity is the vastest entity;
the ultimate source of all cosmic emanations.
The Supreme Entity, which is difficult to conceive,
is the subtlest of the subtle.
He is farther away than any other entity,
but again He is nearer than the nearest.
Only the one who looks into the innermost recesses
of himself can realize the Supreme Entity."

Ancient Sanskrit verse

Thursday, November 18, 2010

by Acarya Pranakrsnananda Avadhuta

The process of yoga needs to be explained in three dimensions, that is, physical, mental and spiritual. Each has its own value and resources. Each must be discussed separately and finally synthesized with equilibrium and equipoise.

The word "cakra" means controlling nucleus. There are many controlling nuclei in the universe. The controlling nucleus of any particular province or state, for example, is the provincial or state capital. The controlling nucleus of the country is the national capital.

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Blogger Buzz: Back from BlogWorld

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Hohoho Microsoft

Hohoho Microsoft Jual 1 Juta Kinect dalam 10 Hari

Selasa, 16 November 2010 | 09:23 WIB
WASHINGTON, - Cengkeraman Microsoft di bisnis konsol game masih kuat. Buktinya, dalam waktu 10 hari, perusahaan tersebut sukses menjual 1 juta perangkat Kinect dari target 5 juta unit di akhir tahun ini.

"Kami menyambut gembira respon yang kami lihat dari konsumen sehingga menghasilkan penjualan lebih dari 1 juta unit dalam 10 hari sejak Kinect untk XBox 360 masuk pasar," kata Don Mattrick, presiden Interactive Entertainment Business Microsoft daalm pernyataannya, Senin (15/11/2010).

Kinect merupakan hardware perangkat tambahan untuk konsol game XBox 360 buatan Microsoft. Dengan perangkat ini, pengguna dapat bermain game dengan gerakan tubuhnya sendiri tanpa perlu joystick. Kinect akan mengenali gerakan-gerakan tubuh tertentu untuk melakukan perintah dalam game. Perangkat tersebut telah tersedia sejak 4 November di AS dan akan menyebar hingga 38 negara sebelum akhir tahun.

Harga satu unit Kinect 149,99 dollar AS. Pembeli XBox 360 baru juga akan mendapat Kinect langsung berikut game Kinect Adventureds dengan harga paket 299,99 dollar AS atau 399,99 dollar AS tergantung modelnya. Di akhir tahun, Kinect tak hanya pilihan hadiah Natal buat penggemar game tapi kelihatannya hadiah buat Microsoft. Ho... ho... ho...

Sumber : PCMagazine