Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Brahma Sutras

Sri Swami Sivananda
Hari Om! Salutations to Sri Vyasa, the Avatara of Vishnu, the wise Badarayana and Sri Krishna Dwaipayana.
Vedas consist of three portions viz., the Karma-Kanda which deals with sacrifices or ceremonial rites, the Upasana-Kanda which treats of Upasana (worship) and the Jnana-Kanda which deals with knowledge of Brahman. Karma-Kanda represents the feet of a man, Upasana-Kanda the heart, and the Jnana-Kanda the head. Just as the head is the most important portion of a man, so also the Upanishads which treat of the knowledge portion of the Vedas is the head of the Vedas. Hence it is said to be the Shir (head) of Vedas.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (Shrii Shrii Anandamurti)

Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

Modern writer, philosopher, scientist, social theorist, and spiritual leader, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has attracted a following in more than 130 countries. His books have been translated into all the world's major languages, and his unique blend of historical perspective and social commentary has been the inspiration for social activists seeking progressive alternatives to capitalism and communism. 

A Collection of Sayings by Sri Ramakrishna

Words of Sri Ramakrishna

I see people who talk about religion constantly quarrelling with one another. Hindus, Mussalmans, Brahmos, Shaktas, Vaishnavas, Shaivas, all quarrel with one another. They haven't the intelligence to understand that He who is called Krishna is also Shiva and the Primal Shakti, and that it is He, again, who is called Jesus and Allah. "There is only one Rama and He has a thousand names.". Truth is one; it is only called by different names. All people are seeking the same Truth; the disagreement is due to differences in climate, temperament, and names. Everyone is going toward God. They will all realise Him if they have sincerity and longing of heart. 

Swami Sivananda

Swami Sivananda, one of the greatest Yoga masters of the 20th century, is the inspiration behind the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers.

His Early Life

Born in 1887 in Pattamadai, Tamil Nadu, South India, Swami Sivananda whose name was then Kuppuswami, was a brilliant boy at studying as well as gymnastics and naturally inclined toward spiritual and religious practices.
His parents were very devoted to Lord Siva and Kuppuswami was eager to join them twice daily for worship (Puja) and Kirtan (Mantra chanting).
His natural selfless spirit lead him to a career in the medical field. His amazing eagerness and ability to learn and assimilate his studies earned him the respect of his professors who invited him to attend surgeries while still in his first year of medical school.

Dr. Kuppuswami
The young Dr. Kuppuswami felt a strong urge to go to Malaysia where he felt there was great need. In a short time he was given the responsibility of running a hospital. During these years Dr. Kuppuswami was renowned as being both an excellent doctor and a true humanitarian. Very often he waived consultation fees for patients too poor to afford his services and on many occasions provided medicine for free to his neediest patients.
One day Dr. Kuppuswami had the opportunity to cure a wandering Sannyasin (renunciate or Monk) who then gave the doctor instruction on Yoga and Vedanta. From that day on his life changed, and gradually Dr. Kuppuswami became more introspective and could not stop pondering the great questions of life. Now he felt the need to help people on a more profound level, not just healing their physical body, but helping them to find a cure for all suffering.

The Great Sannyasin Swami Sivananda

Filled with a tremendous desire for spiritual growth and enlightenment Kuppuswami went to North India in search of his Guru. After spending time in Varanasi (Banaras) he travelled north to the Himalayas. There in the holy town of Rishikesh (which means "the abode of the sages") Kuppuswami discovered his Guru who gave him Sannyas (a monk's vows of renunciation). After taking these vows, Swami Sivananda Saraswati, as he would be known henceforth, started an extremely intense daily Sadhana (spiritual practices) and Tapas (austerities) for the next 10 years or so. By the end of that period many co-Sadhus felt drawn to Swami Sivananda for his instruction and his spiritual inspiration.
Swami Sivananda, The World Teacher

From that time Swami Sivananda became one of the most prolific Yoga teachers who has ever existed. Although he rarely left the little town of Rishikesh (with only 2 India tours and no visits abroad) Swami Sivananda's teachings spread quickly throughout our entire planet. He personally wrote - by hand, no computers at the time :-) - more than 200 books on topics connected to Yoga and Philosophy. He wrote in a style that is very direct and bursting with dynamic, spiritual energy. As a result many who read his books felt their lives deeply touched and transformed and so came from all of India, all of the world, to learn from him directly, and to bask in his holy presence. The teachings of Master Sivananda are summarized in these 6 words:

Bali's Subak System – Part of the World's Heritage

Preserving Bali's Water Conservation and Distribution System is in the Best Interest of Bali and the Island's Tourism.

Bali News: Bali's Subak System – Part of the World's Heritage
(2/23/2009) A Bali cultural preservation expert is urgingUNESCO to nominate Bali's traditional irrigation and water management system (subak) to become part ofUNESCO's World Heritage List.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Ratu Leak Calonarang Rangda Nateng Girah:
A ji Wegig berbicara tentang adat istiadat di Bali dikaitkan dengan arus modernisasi, masih tetap ajeg dan kuat berakar di hati sanubari masyarakat Bali. Ilmu Hitam yang di kenal dengan istilah "Pengeleakan" di bali, adalah merupakan suatu ilmu yang diturunkan oleh Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa Tuhan Yang Maha Esa) dengan segala manifestasinya dalam fungsinya untuk memprelina (memusnahkan ) manusia di muka bumi.Di Bali Ilmu tersebut dikenal masyarakat luas sejak dulu, ilmu ini memang teramat sadis karena dapat membunuh manusia dalam waktu yang relatif singkat.
Ilmu Leak dapat juga menyebabkan manusia mati secara perlahan yang dapat menimbulkan penderitaan yang hebat dan berkepanjangan. Dalam masyarakat Bali khususnya yang beragama Hindu dikenal dengan istilah “Rua Bineda” yaitu Rua berarti dua dan Bineda berarti berbeda yang artinya ada dua yang selalu berbeda, seperti adanya siang dan malam, ada suka dan duka, ada hidup dan mati.
Demikian pula dengan ilmu ini ada ilmu yang beraliran kiri disebut Ilmu Hitam atau Ilmu Pengeleakan dan sebagai penangkalnya ada ilmu yang beraliran kanan atau Ilmu Putih. Ilmu Hitam atau Ilmu Pengeleakan, tergolong "Aji Wegig" yaitu aji berarti ilmu, wegig berarti begig yaitu suatu sifat yang suka menggangu orang lain.

Biography - Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo - Biography

Sri Aurobindo was a revolutionary, poet, philosopher, writer, and Spiritual Master. Despite his fascinating life he was sceptical of any biographies saying
“ No one can write about my life because it has not been on the surface for man to see.” - Sri Aurobindo from: On Himself
Yet his writings and outer life give a profound glimpse into the life of this unique spiritual master. Sri Aurobindo paved a new approach to yoga, which he termed “Integral Yoga”. Unlike the Yogi’s of old he felt yoga and spirituality need not involve retreating from the world. Sri Aurobindowished to bring the Divine into all aspects of life. For the last 40 years of his life he worked tirelessly for this goal of bringing down a new spiritual consciousness.
"We are Sons of God and must be even as He."
- Sri Aurobindo

Biography - Swami Vivekananda

biography by: R.Pettinger

Biography of Swami Vivekananda

In 1897 Swami Vivekananda arrived in America as an anonymous and penniless sannyasin (wandering monk). He had travelled to America as a representative of Hinduism and the ancient Indian tradition of Vedanta. Yet Vivekananda was not bound by any formal ties of religion. To the World Parliament of Religions he offered a message of a shared spirituality and the harmony of world religions. This universal message and his dynamic spiritual personality won the hearts and minds of many seekers; and his vision is still treasured today.
“Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.”
- Vivekananda

The World Parliament of Religions

Swami Vivekananda's Address to the World Parliament of Religions September 1893

parliament of religions
Sisters and Brothers of America,
It fills my heart with joy unspeakable to rise in response to the warm and cordial welcome which you have given us. I thank you in the name of the most ancient order of monks in the world; I thank you in the name of the mother of religions, and I thank you in the name of millions and millions of Hindu people of all classes and sects.

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri RamakrishnaSri Ramakrishna was born on 18 February 1836 in the village of Kamarpukur about sixty miles northwest of Kolkata.  His parents,Kshudiram Chattopadhyaya andChandramani Devi, were poor but very pious and virtuous.  As a child, Ramakrishna (his childhood name was Gadadhar) was dearly loved by the villagers.  From early days, he was disinclined towards formal education and worldly affairs.  He was, however, a talented boy, and could sing and paint well.  He was fond of serving holy men and listening to their discourses.  He was also very often found to be absorbed in spiritual moods.  At the age of six, he experienced the first ecstasy while watching a flight of white cranes moving against the background of black clouds. This tendency to enter into ecstasy intensified with age.  His father’s death when he was seven years old served only to deepen his introspection and increase his detachment from the world. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Swami Vivekananda

India has given birth to a variety of saints and Godmen. People who have achieved salvation through the paths of prayer, action and duty - bhakti, karma and dharma.  Swami Vivekananda, was also a saint. With one major difference. He worked towards the upliftment of his people, and not just towards his own salvation. He was a ' Karmayogi' in the true sense of the word. 

The Story of Krishna and Narakasura

Bhoomi Devi (mother Earth) had a son named Naraka. Even though Naraka was the son of a divinity, he had the nature of a demon.  Naraka was powerful and he took pleasure in terrorising the inhabitants of the three worlds.

The Story of Krishna and Jarasandha

King Brihadratha of Magadha was married to the twin daughters of the King of Kashi. Brihadratha loved both his wives equally and had all the material joys of the world, but no son. This left him in a depressed state.
The sage Chandakaushika visited his kingdom and Brihadratha served him with respect. Being pleased with his service, the sage granted Brihadratha a boon. Brihadratha asked the sage for a son and the sage gave him a mango, which Brihadratha was to give one of his wives. Now Brihadratha loved both his wives equally so he cut the mango in two equal halves and fed both of them.

Krishna and the Syamantaka Gem

Satrajit, a nobleman of Dwarka, was a devotee of Surya, the sun God. Surya being pleased with Satrajit's devotion appeared before him and gifted him the Syamantaka gem. The Syamantaka gem's specialty was that it could magically produce eight measures of gold a day.
Satrajit became a really wealthy man. Krishna then approached Satrajit and told him that he should share the gem with the other people of Dwarka and give it to King Ugrasena. Satrajit declined saying that the jewel belonged to him.

Krishna and Rukmini

Bheeshmaka, the king of Vidarbha had two children, Prince Rukmi and Princess Rukmini. Bheeshmaka had heard many stories of Krishna's valor and secretly wished him to be his son-in-law. He knew that it might not be possible as Kamsa's father in law, Jarasandha, was their overlord and he was Krishna's sworn enemy.

Krishna Returns to Mathura

Now stories about Krishna's deeds spread far and wide. When Kamsa heard about Krishna, he was sure that Krishna was Devaki's eight born child, born to destroy him. He, in turn, planned to invite Krishna to Mathura and have him killed. He summoned an old minister by the name of Akrura and 

Krishna's Life in Gokul

The next morning in Gokul, the word spread that Nanda had a little boy and he was named Krishna. Now kansa knew that his would be slayer was still alive and was in Gokul, so he summoned a wicked demoness name Putana. He ordered Putana to go to Gokul and kill every baby born in the month of Shravan. Now Putana using her magic turned into a beautiful woman, she then applied poison on her breasts.


Old King Ugrasena of Mathura had two children, Prince Kamsa and Princess Devaki. While King Ugrasena was a good king, Prince Kamsa was a ruthless tyrant. Now Princess Devaki was to wed a nobleman named Vasudeva. 
Kamsa out of the love he bore for his sister decided to be the bride and groom's charioteer for the day. While Kamsa drove the chariot bearing Devaki and Vasudeva out of the wedding hall, a voice from the heavens boomed informing Kamsa that Devaki's eight child would be his slayer.
Kamsa being the superstitious type would take no chances. He wanted to strike down Devaki that very moment. Vasudeva intervened, he begged Kamsa not to slay Devaki and show her some mercy. He further promised Kamsa that he would hand over any child born to them, if he would let Devaki live. Now Kamsa not wanting to have the blood of his sister on his hands agreed and instead placed them under house arrest.
Every time a child was born, the guards would inform Kamsa and he would take the child and kill it. Six of Devaki and Vasudev's children met their death this way. It so happened that the seventh child was born at night, and Devaki and Vasudeva seeing the opportunity decided to try to save the child.
The guards were asleep, so Vasudeva easily slid out of the palace undetected. He went to neighboring Gokul and left the child with his second wife Rohini and quickly returned to the palace (this child was named Balrama). In the morning he sent word to Kamsa that the child was still born.
Kamsa was pleased, he knew the next child was prophesized to be his slayer. Not wanting to take chances with the birth of the eight child, Kamsa had Vasudeva and Devaki thrown into the dungeon chained.
The eight child was born on the eight night of the month of Shravan. It was raining heavily and the skies thundered as if the Gods were trying to pay homage to the new born child. Then the miracle happened, Vasudevas chains fell off and the prison door opened by itself. Vasudeva found the guards to be asleep, so he decided that he would escape with the child and leave him at his friend Nanda's place in Gokul.
Picking up the child, Vasudeva placed him in a basket. He then carried the basket on his head and made his way to Gokul. Now Gokul was on the opposite bank of the river Yamuna. Because of the thundering and the rain, the river Yamuna was in a state of turmoil. Vasudeva, wondering how he would cross the river prayed for a miracle. Then it happened!. The waters of the Yamuna parted and made way for him. Vasudeva then crossed the Yamuna and reached Gokul.
On reaching Nanda's house in Gokul, Vasudeva realised that Nanda's wife Yashoda had given birth to a baby girl. While Nanda and Yashoda were asleep, he placed his child in the cradle and took Nanda's daughter instead. He presumed that since it was a baby girl, Kamsa would not kill her. He then made the journey back to Mathura and he took the baby girl with him. As soon as Vasudeva reached the dungeon, the dungeon doors closed behind him and the baby girl started to cry. Awakened by the cries, the guards rushed to tell Kamsa of the birth of the eight child.
Hearing the news, Kamsa rushed to the dungeon and picked up the child and was about to dash it to the ground. Vasudeva begged Kamsa not to kill the child as it was only a girl and that a girl could do him no harm. The wicked Kamsa paid no heed and dashed the baby to the floor. As the baby was about to hit the floor, it suddenly flew up and told Kamsa that the one who was born to kill him still lives and is in Gokul.  Then she disappeared.


Elephant-headed Ganesha, Hinduism's most popular deity, is a study in dichotomy. He is held in awe and reverence as a powerful force who removes obstacles in people's lives. But Ganpati also evokes a very down-to-earth affection. Some of this warmth emanates from his close involvement in our everyday lives and from the mythological tales about him and his family. The legends about Ganpati depict him as a devoted son and a loving brother.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tension - Its Cause and Release

We strive for mental peace all the time. The more we strive for it, the more it seems elusive. Due to our living ways, we keep accumulating tensions within us. We try to do things to make us feel happy, we run after all kinds of luxuries and escapism for that peace of mind, but to no avail. We forget that to resolve tension one must look within rather than the external surroundings.
A pebble thrown in a pond creates ripples. External pleasures may help the ripples, but we have to stop the throwing of stones for peace of mind.
Yoga helps not only the body, but the mind as well. The mind is where all tensions and anxieties dwell. They become so settled in our minds, that they keep going deeper and deeper and start affecting our conscious self and moods even without our knowledge. Feelings of sorrow, worry, failure, power, greed, jealousy etc. if not removed keep getting etched in our minds. These feelings then keep re-surfacing into our conscious mind and create tensions and unexplained mood swings.
Tensions are of three types- muscular, mental and emotional. They all can be managed with yoga practices.

The Future Of Yoga: The movement of Prana

Do you tap into the collective universal mind when you look into the future and how do you see the universal mind integrating itself through the everyday lives of people around the world through the movement of prana?

Yes. I do tap into the collective universal mind when I am predicting the future. I have to be fully present in the NOW to be able to do that allowing my individual mind to calm down so my own personal feelings and thoughts do not influence the outcome of the feelings or visions from universal mind. The visions are a manifestation of the collective thought and will of humanity. It is up to each individual soul to monitor on a daily basis their own imbalances and find a way to balance them so the scale does not tilt to the less than positive outcomes in life. As yoga practitioners we have the techniques to balance mind, body and spirit and influence the collective consciousness for the better and minimize any damage to the family of humanity and the environment.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Ancient beginings…

Little is known of Bali prior to the end of the first millennium.
It is believed however that possibly as early as 500.000 years ago, homorectus strolled its slopes and beaches.
It is further known, thanks to remains found in its grounds, that around 40.000 years ago human hunters and gatherers inhabited its caves.
Later, some 3000 years ago the inhabitants had developed and mastered farming methods, along superior crafting of quality stone instruments and pottery art.
Remains of that era were found in the village of Cekik, in the west part of the island and can be viewed in the museum Purbakala, museum of archeology, in its vicinity.


With a reputation as being one of the most beautiful and deserve tourist spots in Asia, Bali attracts at most 1,000,000 visitors a year, from all around the world.
Geographically, Bali lies between the islands of Java and Lombok. Bali is small, stretching approximately 140 km from east to west 80 km from north to south. The tallest of a string of volcanic mountains that run from the east to the west, is Gunung Agung, which last erupted in 1963. Lying just 8 south of the equator, Bali boasts a tropical climate with just two seasons (wet and dry) a year and an average annual temperature of around 28C. The wide and gently sloping southern regions play host to Bali's famed rice terrace among some of the most spectacular in the world. In the hilly, northern coastal regions, the main produce is coffee, copra, spices, vegetables, cattle and rice.

Friday, December 10, 2010



  • Pengantar
Pembicaraan tentang sejarah memang cukup menarik bagi banyak orang. Bahkan, sementara ahli memberi pernyataan bahwa manusia tidak mungkin dapat meninggalkan sejarahnya. Mudah dipahami bahwa pernyataan itu pada intinya mengandung makna bahwa sejarah atau perjalanan hidup pada masa lampau sekelompok manusia beserta wilayah yang dihuninya adalah sangat penting. Sifat pentingnya itu bukan semata-mata karena sejarah telah mampu mengantar kelompok manusia itu sampai ke kehidupannya pada masa kini serta memungkinkan mereka dapat meneruskan perjalanannya ke masa-masa mendatang, tetapi lebih dari itu. Sejarah juga mampu menjadikan kelompok manusia yang bersangkutan memiliki cita-cita mengenai kualitas kehidupan dan dirinya yang ingin dicapai atau diwujudkannya. Sudah tentu dengan syarat, kelompok sosial tersebut harus bijak lestari dalam mengambil hikmah dari perjalanan sejarah yang telah dilaluinya. Ingat pulalah ungkapan sangat bermakna yang pernah terdengar, yang pada hakikatnya menyatakan bahwa bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang mampu menghargai sejarahnya.
Sekali lagi ingin ditegaskan bahwa uraian ringkas yang telah dikemukakan di atas, kiranya sudah cukup memberikan pemahaman bahwa pemahaman tentang sejarah sekelompok manusia, suku bangsa, begitu pula suatu bangsa-termasuk wilayah yang dihuninya-adalah sangat perlu karena dapat memberikan makna yang tidak terukur besarnya bagi kelompok sosial atau bangsa yang bersangkutan. Namun, perlu pula dikemukakan di sini bahwa menyusun uraian sejarah yang representatif bukanlah pekerjaan yang mudah. Banyak hal yang dapat menjadi penghambatnya. Di antara hambatan yang banyak itu, adalah kurangnya data atau dokumen yang mampu memberikan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk penyusunan sejarah, merupakan hambatan terbesar yang lazim dihadapi oleh penyusun sejarah.
Hal yang dikatakan di atas ini berlaku pula dalam upaya penyusunan sejarah Bali, terutama Sejarah Bali Kuno. Berkaitan erat dengan keadaan tersebut, maka perlu ditekankan di sini bahwa gambaran ringkas tentang Sejarah Bali Kuno yang disajikan berikut ini, memang betul-betul ringkas, bahkan pada beberapa bagiannya masih memiliki masalah yang belum terpecahkan sebagai akibat kurangnya data yang diperlukan. Kendati demikian, dalam kaitan dengan masalah pokok yang ingin diungkap dalam kitab ini, uraian ringkas tentang Sejarah Bali Kuno tersebut, tetap diharapkan mampu memberikan pemahaman yang berguna bagi pembacaannya. Mereka yang ingin mendapat sajian uraian Sejarah Bali Kuno yang lebih lengkap, sudah tentu wajib mencarinya pada sumber lain.
  • Bali Sebelum Tahun 800
Tonggak awal rentangan masa Bali Kuno, adalah abad VIII. Atas dasar itu maka periode sebelum tahun 800 sesungguhnya tidak termasuk masa Bali Kuno. Gambaran umum periode tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi landasan pemicaraan mengenai masa Bali Kuno, sehingga terwujud uraian lebih utuh. Gambaran periode sebelum tahun 800 itu meliputi masa prasejarah Bali dan berita-berita asing tentang Bali, khususnya yang berasal dari Cina.
Babakan masa prasejarah Bali pada dasarnya sesuai dengan babakan masa prasejarah Indonesia secara keseluruhan. Babakan itu meliputi tingkat-tingkat kehidupan berburu dan mengumpulkan makanan (baik yang tingkat sederhana maupun tingkat lanjut), masa bercocok tanam, dan masa perundagian atau kemahiran teknik.
Peninggalan-peninggalan masa berburu dan mengumpulkan makanan tingkat sederhana ditemukan di desa Sembiran dan pesisir timur serta tenggara Danau Batur. Peninggalan-peninggalan itu berupa kapak perimbas, kapak genggam, pahat genggam, dan serut (Soejono, 1962 : 34-43 ; Heekeren, 1972 : 46). Tahap kehidupan berikutnya, yakni masa berburu dan mengumpulkan makanan tingkat lanjut, meninggalkan bukti-bukti di Gua Selonding, Gua Karang Boma I, Gua Karang Boma II yang terletak di perbukitan kapur Pecatu (Kabupaten Badung). Bukti-bukti itu antara lain berupa alat-alat dari tulang dan tanduk rusa, serta sisa-sisa makanan, yakni kulit-kulit kerang dan siput laut, serta gigi babi rusa (Sutaba, 1980 : 15). Bukti-bukti yang serupa ditemukan juga di Goa Gede Nusa Penida (Suastika, 2005 : 30-31).
Pada masa bercocok tanam, jumlah penduduk Bali telah bertambah dan persebarannya semakin meluas. Peninggalan benda-benda budaya mereka ditemukan di Palasari, Pulukan, Kediri, Kerambitan, Bantiran. Kesiman, Ubud, Payangan, Pejeng, Selulung, Selat, Nusa Penida, dan beberapa desa di Kabupaten Buleleng. Benda-benda itu pada umumnya berupa alat-alat dan perkakas yang digunakan sehari-hari, misalnya kapak dan pahat batu persegi empat panjang. Artefak-artefak tersebut di dapat sebagai temuan lepas, dalam arti, bukan merupakan hasil ekskavasi yang sistematik (Sutaba, 1980 : 19 ; cf. Suastika, 1985 : 30-33).
Masa perundagian merupakan babakan terakhir dari masa prasejarah. Benda-benda temuan dari masa ini antara lain berupa nekara (di Pejeng, bebitra, dan Peguyangan), tajak, gelang kaki dan tangan, cincin, anting-anting, ikat pinggang, dan pelindung jari tangan (Sutaba, 1980 : 23-25). Peninggalan-peninggalan lain yang berasal dari masa ini adalah cetakan nekara dari batu di desa Manuaba dan sejumlah sarkofagus yang ditemukan di desa Nongan, Bajing, Bedulu, Mas, Tegallalang, Plaga, Ambyarsari, Poh Asem, Tigawasa, dan Cacang (Sutaba, 1980 : 25-26).
Telah diketahui bahwa sarkofagus adalah salah satu sarana atau wadah penguburan. Wadah penguburan yang lain ada pula berupa tempayan. Tradisi penguburan dengan sarkofagus dan tempayan muncul bersamaan dengan tradisi megalitik di Indonesia, termasuk di Bali. Penguburan dengan tempayan adalah cara penguburan sekunder, yakni penguburan yang dilakukan setelah mayat lebih dahulu dikuburkan di tempat lain (penguburan primer). Dapat ditambahkan bahwa di situs prasejarah Gilimanuk ditemukan pula cara penguburan sekunder tanpa menggunakan wadah. Di situ, pada saat penguburan primer, mayat orang dewasa dan kanak-kanak dikubur dengan posisi membujur atau terlipat. Kemudian, tulang-tulangnya yang tertentu dikumpulkan untuk dikubur kembali di dalam tanah (penguburan sekunder) tanpa menggunakan wadah (Soejono, 1977 : 191-192, 223-227).
Sarkofagus dan peninggalan-peninggalan lain yang berasal dari tradisi megalitik kian hari semakin banyak ditemukan. Peninggalan-peninggalan itu antara lain berupa bangunan suci yang terdiri atas susunan batu, menhir, teras berundak (di Selulung, Batukaang, Tenganan Pegringsingan, Sembiran, dan Trunyan), tahta batu, arca menhir, lesung batu, palung batu, dan batu dakon (di Gelgel), serta arca-arca sederhana yang melambangkan nenek moyang ditemukan di Poh Asem, Depaa, dan Pura Besakih di dea Keramas (Covarrubias, 1972 : 26 ; 167-168 ; Sutaba, 1980b : 30 ; 1982 : 107-108 ; 1995 : 88-93 ; Mahaviranata, 1982 : 119-127 ; Oka, 1985 : 118-129).
Kemampuan menghasilkan benda-benda budaya yang telah disebutkan tidak dapat dilepaskan dari perkembangan aspek-aspek sosial ekonomi, sosial budaya (termasuk religi), teknologi, dan sebagainya yang dicapai masyarakat prasejarah. Beberapa hal mengenai aspek-aspek itu dikemukakan berikut ini.
Para ahli tampaknya sepakat menyatakan bahwa kehidupan bercocok tanam merupakan “tonggak sejarah” kemajuan peradaban umat manusia yang sangat penting. Di antara mereka, bahkan ada yang menyatakan bahwa perubahan ke tahap kehidupan itu merupakan revolusi pertama dan sangat besar dalam sejarah peradaban umat manusia. Menurut H.R. van Heekeren, nenek moyang pendukung kebudayaan ini di Indonesia, termasuk yang di Bali, sudah menyebar dari tanah daratan Asia Tenggara. Mereka memasuki wilayah kepulauan lebih kurang pada tahun 1500-1000 sebelum masehi, setelah menempuh perjalanan panjang melalui darat, sungai, dan laut (1955 : 40-42).
Kehidupan bercocok tanam mendorong mereka bertempat tinggal tetap dan membangun perkampungan dengan organisasi yang semakin teratur. Mereka telah mengenal perdagangan, paling tidak dengan sistem tukar barang-barang in natura. Kehidupan religi mereka semakin berkembang. Pelaksanaan upacara-upacara berlandaskan konsep magis (sympathic magic) menjelang kegiatan berburu (Kosasih, 1985 : 159), merupakan salah satu hal yang mengawali perkembangan kehidupan religi mereka. Mereka juga telah meyakini adanya “kehidupan” setelah kematian, dalam arti, mereka meyakini bahwa arwah nenek moyang mempunyai kemampuan mengatur, melindungi, dan memberkahi orang-orang yang masih hidup, atau sebaliknya menghukum keturunannya jika ternyata berbuat salah. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan antara lain dengan perlakuan masyarakat terhadap jasad orang yang meninggal atau upacara-upacara penguburan yang diselenggarakan.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Ekspedisi Gajah Mada Ke Bali 

Setelah pemerintahan raja Sri Mahaguru tahun 1324-1328 M. Maka pemerintahan dipegang oleh Bhatara Sri Astasura Ratna Bhumi Banten yang disebut dalam prasasti Patapan Langgahan tahun1337 M. Selain itu ada pula sebuah patung yang disimpan di Pura Tegeh Koripan termasuk Desa Kintamani. Pada bagian belakang patung itu ada tulisan yang sangat rusak keadaannya. 

Baginda mengangkat seorang mangkubumi yang gagah perkasa bernama Ki Pasunggrigis, yang tinggal di desa Tengkulak dekat istana Bedahulu di mana raja Astasura bersemayam. Sebagai pembantunya diangkat Ki Kebo Iwa alias Kebo Taruna yang tinggal di Desa Belahbatuh. Para menterinya di sebutkan Krian Girikmana tinggal di Desa Loring Giri (Buleleng), Krian Ambiak tinggal di desa Jimbaran, Krian Tunjung Tutur tinggal di desa Tenganan. Sedangkan Krian Buahan tinggal di desa Batur, Krian Tunjung Biru di desa Tianyar, Krian Kopang tinggal di desa Seraya dan Walungsari tinggal di desa Taro. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Pada abad-abad permulaan masehi Indonesia dikenal tidak hanya dalam kesusastraan India saja, tetapi juga dikenal dalam kesusastraan Yunani, Latin, Arab dan juga didalam tulisan-tulisan Tiongkok. Ptolemy seorang Yunani menyebut Indonesia dengan Chryse-Cheso-resos yaitu salinan dari kata suwarna dwipa kedalam bahasa Yunani.

Kedatangan kebudayaan Hindu di Indonesia, tidak membawa pertentangan yang berarti berbeda dengan kedatangan kebudayaan bangsa-bangsa Eropa yang menekankan kepada teknologi. Sebabnya karena kebudayaan spiritual diantara kedua bangsa ini memiliki dasar-dasar yang sama. Tetapi yang sama ini mengambil bentuk kadang-kadang diluarnya kelihatan berbeda, didalamnya menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan setempat. Faktor lainnya yang menunjang perkembangan kebudayaan ini di Indonesia karena kedua bangsa ini mempunyai persamaan ras yaitu Austronesia yang juga memberi dasar pada perkembangan kebudayaan di antara kedua bangsa itu.



Dalam perkembangan sejarah selanjutnya maka untuk menunjukkan adanya kekuasaan tertinggi pada beberapa wanua mereka mengangkat seorang penguasa tertinggi yang telah mampu menunjukkan kekuasaan dan wewenangnya. Pengangkatan itu memerlukan suatu upacara penobatan dan dilakukan oleh pemimpin agama. setelah menerima gelar abhiseka, selanjutnya mereka itu memakai gelar ratu, sang ratu, raja, Maharaja, Sri maharaja dan lain-lainnya.


Penyelenggaraan Hidup dalam Masyarakat



Sebagai kelanjutan dari masyarakat zaman prasejarah, masyarakat pada zaman Bali kuna juga hidup dari bercocok tanam dan berburu. Penjelasan ini dapat kita peroleh dari sumber-sumber prasasti yang antara lain menyebut mmal(kebon), sawah, parlak (sawah kering), kebwanatau kabon (kebun), huma/uma (sawah basah), kasuwakan (sistem persubakan). Tanah persawahannya pun telah dirawat dan diolah dengan baik. Dalam prasasti yang tersimpan di desa Tengkulak yang dikeluarkan oleh Raja Marakata misalnya disebutkan sederetan istilah yang berhubungan dengan cara pengolahan atau penanaman padi seperti : amabaki, amaluku, atanem, amantun, ahani, anutu. Amabaki atau ambabaki berarti membuka sebidang tanah untuk tanah persawahan, selanjutnya tanah persawahan itu dibajak (mluku) sehingga dapat ditanami padi. Istilah yang dipergunakan untuk itu ialah atanem. Setelah padinya tumbuh dengan baik, perlu dirawat antara lain dengan menyiangi (amantun) sehingga padi itu tidak kebanyakan air dan dapat tumbuh dengan subur. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemotongan padi dengan cara menuai (ahani) dan menumbuk (anutu).



Zaman prasejarah Bali merupakan awal dari sejarah masyarakat Bali. Yang ditandai oleh kehidupan masyarakat pada masa itu yang belum mengenal tulisan. Walaupun pada zaman prasejarah ini belum dikenal tulisan untuk menuliskan riwayat kehidupannya, tetapi berbagai bukti tentang kehidupan pada masyarakat pada masa itu dapat pula menuturkan kembali keadaanya Zaman prasejarah berlangsung dalam kurun waktu yang cukup panjang, maka bukti-bukti yang telah ditemukan hingga sekarang sudah tentu tidak dapat memenuhi segala harapan kita.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Raising the Kundalinii by Avadhutika Ananda Mitra Acarya

The science of Kundalini is thousands of years old. It is an essential part of Tantra, the spiritual science which was systematized seven thousand years ago by Lord Sada'shiva. Tantra was never publicly revealed: only worthy disciples were taught it in direct transmission from their spiritual teachers, lest the powerful practices fall into the hands of immoral or power-seeking individuals. Thus for centuries this ancient science was passed only from the guru to disciple, and never written down. But gradually the caliber of masters degenerated and it became necessary to write the secrets down so they would not be completely lost. But when they were written, they were written in a "twilight language," that is, in allegory, symbolism, code, so they could not be misinterpreted and misused by unworthy seekers. For this reason, if we do not have a proper guide, the ancient texts may be confusing or even misleading to us today.
What is Kundalinii?


by Acarya Vedaprajinananda Avadhuta

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, the mind is pure consciousness which has been modified by the operative principle (Prakrti) to form three functional parts: mahat ("I am"), aham ("I do") and citta ("I have done"). However, due to the continued activity of the operative principle on the citta portion there is the creation of five different layers or kosas. In order to explain the intellectual and intuitional capabilities of the human being it is important to understand the functioning of these five kosas. In addition, understanding of the five layers of the mind also helps one in the various spiritual practices which are designed to perfect these layers of the mind.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Psychic Prana

In 1895-96 Swami Vivekananda gave Raja Yoga classes in New York (228 W. 39th St.). The "Beginners' Classes" form the first part of Swamiji's book Raja Yoga. The second part of the book is a combination of Swamiji's dictation to Ms. Waldo and J. J. Goodwin's transcripts of Swamiji's "Advanced Classes"--all much edited by Ms. Waldo, Swamiji himself and, later on, by E. T. Sturdy. His talk on "The Psychic Prana" is one of the Beginners' Classes and was given on January 4, 1896. It is included in the book Raja Yoga as also in the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.
Ida and Pingala
According to the Yogis, there are two nerve currents in the spinal column, called Pingala and Ida, and a hollow canal called Sushumna running through the spinal cord. At the lower end of the hollow canal is what the Yogis call the "Lotus of the Kundalini". They describe it as triangular in form in which, in the symbolical language of the Yogis, there is a power called the Kundalini, coiled up. When that Kundalini awakes, it tries to force a passage through this hollow canal, and as it rises step by step, as it were, layer after layer of the mind becomes open and all the different visions and wonderful powers come to the Yogi. When it reaches the brain, the Yogi is perfectly detached from the body and mind; the soul finds itself free.

Six Lessons on Raja-Yoga

These lessons are composed of class talks given by Swami Vivekananda to an intimate audience in the house of Mrs. Sara C. Bull, a devoted American disciple. The notes were preserved by her and finally printed in 1913 for private circulation. This text, available in a booklet, can also be found in the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, 8: 36-52.

Raja-Yoga is as much a science as any in the world. It is an analysis of the mind, a gathering of the facts of the supersensuous world and so building up the spiritual world. All the great spiritual teachers the world has known said, "I see and I know." Jesus, Paul, and Peter all claimed actual perception of the spiritual truths they taught.
This perception is obtained by Yoga.

Our Real Nature

This lecture on Jnana Yoga was delivered by Swami Vivekananda in London on June 21, 1896, and is reproduced here from his Complete Works, 2: 70-87.

The Search for Reality and Happiness
Great is the tenacity with which people cling to the senses. Yet, however substantial they may think the external world in which they live and move, there comes a time in the lives of individuals and of races when, involuntarily, they ask, "Is this real?" To those who never find a moment to question the credentials of their senses, whose every moment is occupied with some sort of sense-enjoyment--even to them death comes, and they also are compelled to ask, "Is this real?" Religion begins with this question and ends with its answer. Even in the remote past, where recorded history cannot help us, in the mysterious light of mythology, back in the dim twilight of civilization, we find the same question was asked, "What becomes of this? What is real?"

The Necessity of Religion(3)

Spirituality--The Real Strength Behind Every Race

A man or a woman is a human being so long as he or she is struggling to rise above nature, and this nature is both internal and external. It comprises not only the laws that govern the particles of matter outside us and in our bodies, but also the more subtle nature within, which is in fact the motive power governing the external. It is good and very grand to conquer external nature but grander still to conquer our internal nature. It is grand and good to know the laws that govern the stars and planets; it is infinitely grander and better to know the laws that govern the passions, the feelings, the will, of humanity. This conquering of the inner person, understanding the secrets of the subtle workings that are within the human mind, and knowing its wonderful secrets, belong entirely to religion.